Thursday, January 23, 2014

Digraph Party!

This week we have been concentrating on the digraphs sh, th, ch, and wh -- what better way then to practice them then with CHocolate pudding?? Of course I had to model how to hold the wax paper, pour out the pudding, set the pudding cup down ON the wax paper and spread the pudding out just in the middle. After a few anticipated reactions and comparisons, the "EWWWS" were all gone and all the kids dug in and got messy.

Even with all the modeling I still had one kiddo who had more on himself and his desk than on the wax paper. Also, one boy must have experimented by adding water to his because it was running all over his desk, but overall the activity went great. After we were done I got a lot of begging to lick their hands. I said no because I didn't okay it with parents and I am always nervous about allergies in which the kids responded, "I'm not allergic to anything!" Famous last words!!

The next day we calmed down a bit and did some work with digraphs that was a little less messy. We worked on the Smart board by underlining digraphs and saying the word. We also did a matching digraph game and a little Baby SHark dance by the learning station. We are continuing to work with these digraphs throughout the week, however that plan was halted today on behalf on the -40 degree windchill. Instead I am sitting on the couch updating my blog and blowing my nose more than I thought possible! Thankful for the cold weather especially when I am sick!!

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