Monday, January 27, 2014


We are really ready for these Olympics to start! I feel like I have been getting ready forever, but we are so excited! This project was my mom's idea -- she used to do the making of the flags with her 5th graders for the holidays. I thought it would be neat to do a similar project for the Olympics. I used wikipedia to find all of those countries that are participating in the olympics. Each kid picked (without looking) a country and painted the flag after creating the template. I was so impressed with our first graders' skills. Obviously 28 first graders does not cover all of the participating countries, but we tried to concentrate on the simpler flags, however some are very complicated - they did better than I ever could!

We kept the paint out the next day and partnered up to make our letters "LET THE GAMES BEGIN." They could use any colors that were used in the flags. I set this up today, which was another "cold day" -- luckily I live across the street from the school so it is not too hard for me to go in on these yucky days.

Soon we will be tracking USA medals on the Sochi graph I made awhile back -- I am getting sick of looking at the same graph without any medals! I'm sure I will be adding more Olympic activities on here as the weeks go on -- GO USA!

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